I am very lucky to have people who are really supportive around me.
Currently I am struggling to finish my thesis.I just got chance to have a week internship experience.Later I found out one subject I did not get pass.So,with little confident in myself I repeat that subject.Alhamdulillah I got pass for the subject.Right now,there are only two things to do for completing my degree study;thesis and internship.
I was really down till I cannot tell anyone the problems in my mind.The anxiety inside my soul.The overthinking of my future that seem not going to be happened just like I planned it.I gonna shout it loud in this page...All those things were my past!!!
I am holding on to finish this degree study to see my mother and my father smile on my convocation day next year. I must do the best as I got a lot of people support me.My close friends,my lecturers.There are my idols to inspire me for keep moving forward.Alhamdulillah I found the other new side of me.The weakness that I cannot hold to myself.I need His blessing ,His strength to ease my way.May Allah bless this study life.He promised for those who are struggling to gain knowledge,He makes the way to heaven becomes easier.
Now,believe in yourself and you can do it!!!